Fee Categories

This section contains settings to create rules to enable or disable specific fees on top level categories.

Note: "No categories currently selected" means that the Fee applies to all Categories be default. These settings should only be used to create exceptions.

Note: This section is only used to turn fees on and off. To change the amount charged, see Billing and Fees > Edit Fees.

Post Fee - This fee is charged from the site to the seller and is based on the Starting Price or Price of an Auction or Fixed Price listing.

Seller Final Fee - This fee is charged from the site to the seller and is based on the Final Price of an Auction or Fixed Price listing.

Buyer Final Fee - This fee is charged from the site to the buyer and is based on the Final Price of an Auction or Fixed Price listing.

Post Classified Fee - This flat fee is charged from the site to the seller for posting the Classified listing.


Example: You could advertise that a 2% buyer fee is added to a specific category for charity items. You could also do a seller match fee on the same category. The buyer fee would be configured in the following way: