
PayPal's Website Payments Standard product allows users to submit payments via

Post URL - Specifies the URL used by the PayPal payment provider to post payment transactions. This value should generally not be changed, except for testing, troubleshooting or advanced customizations.


IPN URL - Specifies the URL to which PayPal will report the outcome of payment attempts. This value should generally not be changed, except for testing, troubleshooting or advanced customizations.

Example: /ipn.aspx

Success Return URL - Specifies the URL to which PayPal will redirect the user upon successful submission of a payment. This value should generally not be changed, except for testing, troubleshooting or advanced customizations.

Example: /PaymentResult.aspx?success=true

Cancel Return URL - Specifies the URL to which PayPal will redirect the user if payment fails or is canceled by the user. This value should generally not be changed, except for testing, troubleshooting or advanced customizations.

Example: /PaymentResult.aspx?success=false

Return To Merchant Text - Specifies the link text shown on PayPal pages for the link back to the auction web site (The Cancel Return URL). For instance, if someone starts to pay for something via PayPal, but changes their mind, they can click this link and they’ll be sent back to the site.

Example: Return to website

Fees Email - Specifies the email address associated with the PayPal account that will be receiving site fee payments.


Backup Payment Currency - If enabled, Invoices in a currency not accepted by PayPal will be converted to the selected currency before the payment request is sent to PayPal. If disabled, invoices in a currency not accepted by PayPal will not show PayPal as a payment method.

Allow PayPal for Site Fee Payments - If enabled, PayPal will be shown on Site Fee Invoices as an option for payment. If disabled, PayPal can still be used by Seller's for Sales Invoices.