Distributed Installation

Note: The distributed method of deploying AuctionWorx is no longer supported

These instructions cover installation of AuctionWorx Enterprise in Enterprise Services mode. Enterprise Services mode allows an AuctionWorx web application to run on a web server and communicate with back end services via Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).

Installation Steps

These steps involve installing the three main AuctionWorx services as Windows Services. They are:

  • RainWorx.FrameWorx.Command.exe
  • RainWorx.FrameWorx.Notifier.exe
  • RainWorx.FrameWorx.Scheduler.exe

Install Services

  1. Copy the services, their config files, and all the binaries to an appropriate location.
  2. Locate installutil.exe. Installutil.exe is a .net utility to install services. It’s usually located in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319.
  3. Run "installutil {servicename}" for each of the three services.
  4. The services should now be installed (but not yet running)

Edit Configuration Files

All service configuration files are named identical to the service executable with ".config" appended to the end of the filename.


Many of the configuration options you are responsible for in the Shared Installation document are similar, but are contained in the configuration file for the RainWorx.FrameWorx.Command.exe service. This service handles all back end calls to AuctionWorx enterprise. As such you are responsible for the following settings:

  1. Edit the connection string in the config file to refer to the database you created.
  2. Edit the “LicenseKey” setting in the config file, to contain your provided license key.

Additionally, by modifying the <baseAddresses> you can specific where the WCF services shall be hosted.


This service handles starting/ending listings, listing resolution, and refreshing fees:

  1. Edit the connection string in the config file to refer to the database you created.
  2. Edit the “LicenseKey” setting in the config file, to contain your provided license key.


This service handles all outgoing email notifications:

  1. Edit the connection string in the config file to refer to the database you created.
  2. Edit the "mailSettings" section of the config file to refer to your email server.

Modify web.config To Operate via WCF:

  1. Modify the <endpoint> addresses to point to the <baseAddresses> you specified for the Command service above.
  2. If necessary, modify the WCFClientEndpoints in the <applicationSettings> section to properly refer to the WCF endpoint you'd like to use. For example, "NetNamedPipeBinding_IListingManager" uses the named pipes endpoint, while "WSHttpBinding_IListingManager" uses the Web Services HTTP Endpoint.
  3. Finally, change the "ExecutionContext" setting to "WCF."

Start Services

Start the three WCF services and begin using AuctionWorx. All client calls should communicate with the services via WCF.