Sales Invoice to Buyer

This is an Invoice type email template. [Seller_SendInvoice]

Tag Name Description
[Detail.Billing​City] The Buyer's billing address City
[Detail.Billing​Country] The Buyer's billing address Country
[Detail.Billing​FirstName] The Buyer's billing address First Name
[Detail.Billing​LastName] The Buyer's billing address Last Name
[Detail.Billing​StateRegion] The Buyer's billing address State or Providence
[Detail.Billing​Street1] The Buyer's billing address Street 1
[Detail.Billing​Street2] The Buyer's billing address Street 2
[Detail.Billing​ZipPostal] The Buyer's billing address Zip code
The amount charged to the buyer from buyers premium
The percent charged to the buyer from buyers premium
[Detail.CreatedDTTM​(DateTime(g))] The date/time the invoice was created
[Detail.Currency] The 3 letter acronym for the listing's selected currency
[Detail.ID] The invoice ID number
[Detail.LineItems.​Currency] The 3 letter acronym for the line item's currency
[Detail.LineItems.​Description] The line item's description
[Detail.LineItems.​PerUnitAmount​(currency​(C|Detail.LineItems.​Currency))] The per unit cost of the line item
[Detail.LineItems.​Quantity] The quantity of the line item
The total price of the line item
[Detail.Owner.​UserName] The Seller's username
[Detail.Owner​City] The Seller's address City
[Detail.Owner​Country] The Seller's address Country
[Detail.Owner​Name] The Seller's name
[Detail.Owner​StateRegion] The Seller's address State or Providence
[Detail.Owner​Street1] The Seller's address Street 1
[Detail.Owner​Street2] The Seller's address Street 2
[Detail.Owner​ZipPostal] The Seller's address Zip code
[Detail.Payer.​UserName] The Buyer’s username
[Detail.SalesTax​(currency​(C|Detail.​Currency))] The sales tax based on the tax selection for the invoice (This is used for Sales Tax and VAT)
{?Detail.SalesTax}​…{?end} The text between these tags is removed if SalesTax is zero for this invoice (This is used for Sales Tax and VAT)
The price of the shipping option
{?Detail.ShippingAmount}​…{?end} Text between these tags is removed if ShippingAmount is zero for this invoice
[Detail.Shipping​City] The Buyer's shipping address City
[Detail.Shipping​Country] The Buyer's shipping address Country
[Detail.Shipping​FirstName] The Buyer's shipping address First Name
[Detail.Shipping​LastName] The Buyer's shipping address Last Name
[Detail.Shipping​Option.​Method.Name] The selected shipping option
[Detail.Shipping​StateRegion] The Buyer's shipping address State or Providence
[Detail.Shipping​Street1] The Buyer's shipping address Street 1
[Detail.ShippingStreet2] The Buyer's shipping address Street 2
[Detail.Shipping​ZipPostal] The Buyer's shipping address Zip code
[Detail.Status] The invoice status
The subtotal of the invoice
The grand total for the invoice