Listing Fees Revenue

The Listing Fees Revenue Report displays the fee revenue for each listing.

Clicking the column title toggles sort by ascending and sort by descending. To search by one or more fields, enter the search parameters into the text box below the column title.

Apply Filters - After entering the search criteria into the filter fields, clicking this button will apply the filters to the report.

Reset Filters - Clicking this button will reset the filters so that the whole list is displayed.

The Listing Fees Revenue Report can also be filtered by payment Status:

  • All - Both Paid and Unpaid records
  • Paid - Only Paid records
  • Unpaid - Only Unpaid records

Export CSV - Download the CSV (comma separated value) file containing the sales invoice data. Filters will be applied to the CSV file.

- This paid icon signifies if a fee invoice has been marked as paid or not


Name of Field Type of Information Description
Date Date (Range) Date the listing fees were charged
User Name Text The Seller's user name
First Name Text The Seller's first name
Last Name Text The Seller's last name
Email Text The Seller's email address
Listing ID Integer Value The listing ID number is unique to the listing
Description Text The title of the listing
Amount Decimal Value (Range) The total cost of the fees to the Seller
Invoice ID Integer Value The Invoice ID number represents an invoice that has been created.
Paid Symbol/Icon A Paid icon will appear if the fees are paid