Export CSV

This page is used for exporting the user data.

Note: The User Management page can be filtered and sorted before clicking the Export CSV button and those filters and sort parameters will be carried over to this page then exported to the CSV file. (Eg, Role=Seller; Only Sellers will be exported)

Predefined CSV Specifications – These are the predefined data formats, available either with or without a header row describing each column of information.

Export – This will submit the request to the server for the CSV file to be generated. An email with a link to the CSV file download page will be sent to the requesting administrator's email address.

Filter for all bidders from event

This dropdown allows for the user list to be filtered to only show users that have placed bids in a particular Event. An Event can be selected by entering the Event ID or can be chosen by clicking the folder icon.

Custom Settings

Expand and view the Custom Settings by clicking on the text "Custom Settings".

Include Header – This will toggle whether or not a header row will be included in the custom CSV file. When including column headers, Column Specification formatting will need to include the column names.

Column Specification – This is where you may edit the displayed field names to be used in the CSV file header row.

Note: When arranging the format for Column Specification, it is important to adhere to the syntax displayed in the "Column Specifications" text box, after selecting the appropriate option from the "Predefined CSV Specifications" dropdown menu.


[user_property],[user_property],[user_property],... (No Headers)


[user_property]=[name of the column],[user_property]=[name of the column],[user_property]=[name of the column],... (With Headers)


FirstName,LastName,Email,... (No Headers)


FirstName=First Names,LastName=Last Names,Email=Email Addresses,... (With Headers)

User Data Property IDs

User Data Property IDs are the names for the different user fields that can be added to the CSV Export file.

user_property Description
ID This is the integer ID of the user.
UserName This is the user’s login name.
Culture This is the user’s culture in the following format, “The format for the culture name is languagecode-country/regioncode, where languagecode is the language code and country/regioncode is the subculture code. Examples include ja-JP for Japanese (Japan) and en-US for English (United States). In cases where a two-letter language code is not available, a three-letter code derived from ISO 639-2 is used.”
Email This is the user’s email address.
Comment This includes any stored comments for the user (as entered from the Admin Control Panel > Users > Management > Account Info tab).
IsApproved This is a Boolean value indicating whether the user is approved by an administrator to use the site. Effectively allows or prevents a user from logging in.
IsLockedOut (AKA Restricted) This is a Boolean value indicating whether the user is locked out from the site by an administrator. Effectively allows or prevents a user from logging in.
CreationDate This is the date/time the user account was created.
LastLoginDate This is the date/time the user last logged in.
LastPassword​ChangeDate This is the date/time the user last changed their password.
LastLockoutDate This is the date/time the user was last locked out of the site.
LastActivityDate This is the date/time the user last performed an activity on the site.
Newsletter This is a Boolean value indicating if the user has “opted-in” to newsletter type communications originating from the site.
LastIP This is the user’s IP address the last time they logged in to the site.
IsVerified This is a Boolean value indicating if the user’s email address is verified. A verified email address is one where the system sent the user a verification email containing a unique verification token (see below) to the specified email address, and the user took action to send the verification token back to the site. This “feedback” activity proves the user has access to the specified email address.
Verification​Token This is a random string, unique each time a user verification email is sent.
PasswordReset​Token This is a random string, unique each time a user clicks the Forgot Password link.
Service​Authorization​Token This is a random string unique to the user, for use during web services authentication.
IsActive This is a Boolean value indicating whether the user is active or has been deactivated. Effectively allows or prevents a user from logging in, and, when false (deactivated), inhibits the user from showing up in default User Management views.
Street1 This is the first line of the street portion of the user’s primary address.
Street2 This is the second line of the street portion of the user’s primary address.
City This is the city of the user’s primary address.
StateRegion This is the state or region of the user’s primary address.
ZipPostal This is the zip or postal code of the user’s primary address.
Country.Name This is the full country name of the user's address.
Country.Code This is the country code of the user’s address.
WebAPIEnabled This is an On/Off value for the Web API.
FirstName This is the user’s first name.
LastName This is the user’s last name.
<user custom field> This is the user property an administrator has created from the Admin Control Panel.


Note: When entering a custom field, use the exact spelling (including spaces and capitalization) in the Column Specification.