Custom User Fields

Custom user fields are used to store additional information about users.

Create User Field – This button at the top right of the screen opens a form for adding a new Custom User Field.

Order – These buttons can be used to select the display order of the User Fields.

Note: the number can be ignored, using the arrows to change the order will automatically modify the order number.

Edit – A Custom User Field's Name is a link to the editing form.

Note: First Name and Last Name are not editable because they are standard fields.

Creating a Custom User Field

The following options are available for creating or editing custom user fields:

Name – (Required) Assign a name to the custom user field.

Note: If you want the field to display with special characters (such as ? or / ) you should start by naming the field with a "code friendly" name ("ExampleFieldName" - with no spaces) so that it is easier to later reference from the .resx files. See: Language Translation Tutorial

Type – (Required) Indicates the type of value this field will hold and what type of input will be presented.

  • Text – Open text box.
  • Yes/No – Check box.
  • Date – Text box will display date and/or time format.
  • Decimal Number – Text box will display a decimal format.
  • Option List – Enumeration provides a set of named values. More than two values will be displayed as a dropdown selector.
  • Whole Number – Text box will display a whole number (integer) format.

Note: When selecting Option List as the field type, you'll need to click Create Field first before you'll be able to add the options.

Required – If enabled, users will be required to provide a value for the field during registration. This requirement will also affect the User Account Info page and the Create User page.

Default Value – (Optional) Specifies a default value when the field is initially displayed to the user.

Input Locations

  • User Registration

  • My Account > Account > Details

  • My Account > Consignments > Consignment Management > Consignor Details

  • My Account > Consignments > Seller Preferences

Include on Invoice (Seller) - If checked, this custom field will be included with other seller information on sales invoices.

Include on Invoice (Buyer) - If checked, this custom field will be included with other buyer information on sales invoices.

Include on Statement (Seller) - If checked, this custom field will be included with other seller information on consignor statements.

Include on Statement (Consignor) - If checked, this custom field will be included with other consignor information on consignor statements.

Include in Sales Reports (Seller) - If checked, this custom field will be included as the seller of a transaction in Sales Transaction Report CSV exports.

Note: This field will not be included in the "My Account" Sales Report.

Include in Sales Reports (Buyer) - If checked, this custom field will be included as the buyer of a transaction in Sales Transaction Report CSV exports.

Note: This field will only be included in the "My Account" Sales Report CSV export if Visibility is also set to "Owner" or lower.

Include in Statement Report (Seller) - If checked, this custom field will be included as a column containing the seller's value in the Consignor Statements Report.

Include in Statement Report (Consignor) - If checked, this custom field will be included as a column containing the consignor's value in the Consignor Statements Report.

Display Order – (Required) A numerical value which specifies the order to display this field relative to other custom user fields.

Note: If the same number is used the system will adjust the order automatically and this can be easily corrected from the main Custom Field page

Visibility – Affects which users will see this custom field content.

Note: Even though lower levels of visibility are available, there are not necessarily pages in the software that will display a custom field to a user that is not the owner or administrator over the information. Generally speaking, these settings should be kept at their default "Owner" unless there is a specific reason to do otherwise.

  • Admin – The Administrator and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Owner – The user that the information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Purchaser – The user that submitted a bid or purchased from the listing that this information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Authenticated – Any user that has been authenticated and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Anonymous – Anyone can view this field.

Editability – Affects which users can edit this custom field content.

Note: Even though lower levels of Editability are available, there are not necessarily pages in the software that will allow a custom field to be edited by a user that is not the owner or administrator over the information. Generally speaking, these settings should be kept at their default "Owner" unless there is a specific reason to do otherwise.

  • Admin – The Administrator and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Owner – The user that the information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Purchaser – The user that submitted a bid or purchased from the listing that this information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Authenticated – Any user that has been authenticated and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Anonymous – Anyone can edit this field.

Option List

If you selected Option List as the Type, the form will display an Add Options section at the bottom of the form.

Fill in the Name and the Value will be automatically filled in. If you want the Value to be different, you can edit this after entering the Name.

Name – This value will be displayed to the user when selecting the option from the dropdown or radio buttons.

Value – This value will be displayed on the various places that are selected such as on the Invoice, a Consignment Statement and on Reports.