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The web.config file contains settings not accessible through the Admin Control Panel.

It is located in root of your web files folder. The web.config file is an XML file and must continue to be well-formed XML after editing. Be sure you know how to edit XML files properly without otherwise editing their contents.

Each time you change this file, the application will restart. Therefore, this file shouldn't be changed often, and usually never after the site has been properly configured. Alternatively, if you must restart the application and you don't have access to "stop/start" or "restart" functionality, you can intentionally make a change to this file.

Certain sections of the web.config file MUST be modified when installing AuctionWorx. Likewise, certain sections "can" be modified and other sections should not be modified.



Section Notes
Configuration/configSections None of these values should be changed during normal operation.
Configuration/Validation The default validation settings probably don’t need to be altered, but they can be if the need arises. A solid understanding of the Microsoft Enterprise Library Validation Application Block is required before these values are modified.
Configuration/connectionStrings This section will need to be modified to contain the correct database connection information for your specific environment.
Configuration/appSettings EnableSSL Before this value is set to “true” the unsecure and secure URL’s must be properly defined in the admin control panel. If they are not, the systems efforts to secure pages via SSL may actually make the secure admin control panel unreachable.
Configuration/appSettings SiteMapCategoryDepth This setting will need to be changed if you want to modify the depth of the Category hierarchy on the Site Map.
Configuration/appSettings SiteMapRegionDepth This setting will need to be changed if you want to modify the depth of the Region hierarchy on the Site Map.
Configuration/appSettings WebAPIAuthScheme This setting will need to be changed if you elect to modify the Web API authentication scheme.
Configuration/unity This section allows developers and implementers of additional listing types, methods of encryption, payment providers, etc… to be able to swap out or add their code to the complete AuctionWorx platform at runtime. Thus, no recompilation is necessary for many extensible aspects of AuctionWorx.
Configuration/lightSpeedContexts This section should not need to be changed during the normal course of AuctionWorx operations.
Configuration/system.serviceModel Since this section is not applicable for WCF installations, it is recommended that you do not change any of these values.
Configuration/applicationSettings LicenseKey Change this value to equal your license key.
Configuration/applicationSettings LogFileName Change this value to indicate where to store AuctionWorx LightSpeed log files.
Configuration/system.web None of these values should be changed during normal operation.
Configuration/system.webserver None of these values should be changed during normal operation.
Configuration/ host Set this value to an email server prepared to accept SMTP email and relay it to its final destination.
Configuration/ port If not port 25, set “port” to the correct port of your SMTP email server.
Configuration/ userName & password If required, set “userName" and “password” appropriately so the AuctionWorx system can login to your SMTP server to send outgoing email notifications.
Configuration/runtime None of these values should be changed during normal operation.
Section Notes
Configuration/configSections None of these values should be changed during normal operation.
Configuration/Validation The default validation settings probably don’t need to be altered, but they can be if the need arises. A solid understanding of the Microsoft Enterprise Library Validation Application Block is required before these values are modified.
Configuration/connectionStrings This section will need to be modified to contain the correct database connection information for your specific environment.
Configuration/appSettings EnableSSL Before this value is set to “true” the unsecure and secure URL’s must be properly defined in the admin control panel. If they are not, the systems efforts to secure pages via SSL may actually make the secure admin control panel unreachable.
Configuration/appSettings SiteMapCategoryDepth This setting will need to be changed if you want to modify the depth of the Category hierarchy on the Site Map.
Configuration/appSettings SiteMapRegionDepth This setting will need to be changed if you want to modify the depth of the Region hierarchy on the Site Map.
Configuration/appSettings WebAPIAuthScheme This setting will need to be changed if you elect to modify the Web API authentication scheme.
Configuration/unity This section allows developers and implementers of additional listing types, methods of encryption, payment providers, etc… to be able to swap out or add their code to the complete AuctionWorx platform at runtime. Thus, no recompilation is necessary for many extensible aspects of AuctionWorx.
Configuration/lightSpeedContexts This section should not need to be changed during the normal course of AuctionWorx operations.
Configuration/system.serviceModel Since this section is not applicable for WCF installations, it is recommended that you do not change any of these values.
Configuration/applicationSettings LicenseKey Change this value to equal your license key.
Configuration/applicationSettings LogFileName Change this value to indicate where to store AuctionWorx LightSpeed log files.
Configuration/system.web None of these values should be changed during normal operation.
Configuration/system.webserver None of these values should be changed during normal operation.
Configuration/ host Set this value to an email server prepared to accept SMTP email and relay it to its final destination.
Configuration/ port If not port 25, set “port” to the correct port of your SMTP email server.
Configuration/ userName & password If required, set “userName" and “password” appropriately so the AuctionWorx system can login to your SMTP server to send outgoing email notifications.
Configuration/runtime None of these values should be changed during normal operation.
None of these values should be changed during normal operation.
The default validation settings probably don’t need to be altered, but they can be if the need arises. A solid understanding of the Microsoft Enterprise Library Validation Application Block is required before these values are modified.
This section will need to be modified to contain the correct database connection information for your specific environment.
Configuration/appSettings EnableSSL
Before this value is set to “true” the unsecure and secure URL’s must be properly defined in the admin control panel. If they are not, the systems efforts to secure pages via SSL may actually make the secure admin control panel unreachable.
Configuration/appSettings SiteMapCategoryDepth
This setting will need to be changed if you want to modify the depth of the Category hierarchy on the Site Map.
Configuration/appSettings SiteMapRegionDepth
This setting will need to be changed if you want to modify the depth of the Region hierarchy on the Site Map.
Configuration/appSettings WebAPIAuthScheme
This setting will need to be changed if you elect to modify the Web API authentication scheme.
This section allows developers and implementers of additional listing types, methods of encryption, payment providers, etc… to be able to swap out or add their code to the complete AuctionWorx platform at runtime. Thus, no recompilation is necessary for many extensible aspects of AuctionWorx.
This section should not need to be changed during the normal course of AuctionWorx operations.
Since this section is not applicable for WCF installations, it is recommended that you do not change any of these values.
Configuration/applicationSettings LicenseKey
Change this value to equal your license key.
Configuration/applicationSettings LogFileName
Change this value to indicate where to store AuctionWorx LightSpeed log files.
None of these values should be changed during normal operation.
None of these values should be changed during normal operation.
Configuration/ host
Set this value to an email server prepared to accept SMTP email and relay it to its final destination.
Configuration/ port
If not port 25, set “port” to the correct port of your SMTP email server.
Configuration/ userName & password
If required, set “userName" and “password” appropriately so the AuctionWorx system can login to your SMTP server to send outgoing email notifications.
None of these values should be changed during normal operation.


Disable Logging

Logging is enabled by default and we highly recommend leaving it that way.

As such, no configuration is necessary to leave logging enabled. Should you choose to disable logging, follow these steps:

  1. Add the following XML element to the web.config file within the <configuration>/<configSections>/<sectionGroup> section:
    <section name="RainWorx.FrameWorx.Utility.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, 
    Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />
  2. Then, within <applicationSettings> add the following:
    <setting name="EnableLogging" serializeAs="String">