You are here: Administration Guide > Listings > Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Custom listing fields are used to store additional information about listings.

The following fields are available on the "Create Listing Field" form or click the field's name to view the "Edit Listing Field" form:

Name - (Required) This specifies the name of the Custom Listing Field.

Type - (Required) This indicates the type of value the field will hold and what type of input will be presented.

  • Text - This is an open text box.
  • Yes/No - This is a True/False check box.
  • Date/Time - This text box will display date and/or time format.
  • Decimal Number - This text box will display a decimal format.
  • Option List - Enumeration provides a set of named values.
  • Whole Number - This text box will display a whole number (integer) format.

Required - When checked, a value will be required to create a listing.

Default Value - (Optional) This specifies a default value when the field is initially displayed to the Seller.

Example: For a field such as "Interior Color" a default value might be "black".

Display Order - (Required) This is a numerical value which specifies the order to display this field relative to other user fields. The new field's display order can easily be changed on the main view of "Custom Fields".

Note: The up and down arrow buttons can be used to change the display order of the custom fields.

Visibility - This determines what type of user can view this custom field.

  • None - No one, including the system, can view this custom field.
  • System - The system is the only user that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Admin - The Administrator and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Owner - The user that the information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Purchaser - The user that submitted a bid or purchased from the listing that this information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Authenticated - Any user that has been authenticated and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Anonymous - Anyone can view this field.

Editablility - This determines what type of user can edit this custom field.

  • None - No one, including the system, can edit this custom field.
  • System - The system is the only user that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Admin - The Administrator and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Owner - The user that the information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Purchaser - The user that submitted a bid or purchased from the listing that this information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Authenticated - Any user that has been authenticated and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Anonymous - Anyone can edit this field.

Assign To All Categories - Checking this box will make sure all categories use this custom field.

Note: This option is only available when creating a custom field.


Manage Field Options

This section will only appear after the Option List has been selected and the field's basic information has been saved.

Name - This value will be displayed to the user when selecting the option from the dropdown or radio buttons.

Value - This value will be displayed on the listing detail page.

Note: Leave this field blank if it should *not* be displayed on the detail page when selected by the user.