You are here: Administration Guide > Users > Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Custom user fields are used to store additional information about users.

Order - These buttons can be used to select the display order of the User Fields

Edit User Field - A custom user field's Name is a link to the editing form

Create User Field - This button brings you to a form for adding a field to the user information


Creating or Editing Custom User Fields

The following options are available for creating or editing custom user fields:

Name - (Required) Assign a name to the custom user field. This will be displayed

Type - (Required) Indicates the type of value this field will hold and what type of input will be presented.

  • Text - Open text box.
  • Yes/No - Check box.
  • Date/Time - Text box will display date and/or time format.
  • Decimal Number - Text box will display a decimal format.
  • Option List - Enumeration provides a set of named values. More than two values will be displayed as a dropdown selector.
  • Whole Number - Text box will display a whole number (integer) format.

Required - If "Required" is selected, users will be required to provide a value for the field. This requirement will also affect the "Admin > Edit User" page.

Default Value - (Optional) Specifies a default value when the field is initially displayed to the user.

Example: A "favorite color" field may have a default value of "red", with other colors available in a dropdown list.

Deferred - When checked, a custom field on the registration form will not be displayed.

Note: The field will still be displayed on the "My Account > Details" and "Admin Control Panel > Edit User" views.

Display Order - (Required) A numerical value which specifies the order to display this field relative to other custom user fields.

Visibility - This determines what type of user can view this custom field.

  • None - No one, including the system can view this custom field.
  • System - The system is the only user that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Admin - The Administrator and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Owner - The user that the information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Purchaser - The user that submitted a bid or purchased from the listing that this information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Authenticated - Any user that has been authenticated and the above users are the only users that will be able to view this custom field.
  • Anonymous - Anyone can view this field.

Editablility - This determines what type of user can edit this custom field.

  • None - No one, including the system can edit this custom field.
  • System - The system is the only user that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Admin - The Administrator and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Owner - The user that the information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Purchaser - The user that submitted a bid or purchased from the listing that this information pertains to and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Authenticated - Any user that has been authenticated and the above users are the only users that will be able to edit this custom field.
  • Anonymous - Anyone can edit this field.


Manage Field Options

This section will only appear after the Option List has been selected and the field's basic information has been saved.

Name - This value will be displayed to the user when selecting the option from the dropdown or radio buttons.

Value - This value will be displayed on the listing detail page.

Note: Leave this field blank if it should *not* be displayed on the detail page when selected by the user.