You are here: Administration Guide > Users > User Management

User Management

This section is used for searching through and sorting the site's users. Click on a user to view detailed account information.

To Sort - Click on the column header to sort data. You can sort by User ID, Username, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address.

To Search - Enter the search term into the blank field below the column header. You can search by User ID, Username, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address.

To Filter Data - Select an option from the "Status" or "Role" drop down menu.

  1. ID - User ID number
  2. Username - Unique identifier selected by the user during registration
  3. First - User's First Name
  4. Last - User's Last Name
  5. Email - Email address assigned to the account
  6. Status - Filter users by account status
    • Active - The user is both verified and approved to use the site according to their role, and their account is not restricted from signing in
    • Newsletter - The user is Active AND has elected to opt-in to receive newsletter emails
    • Unverified - The user has not completed the email verification process
    • Unapproved - The user is not approved by an administrator to use the site and cannot sign in until they are approved
    • Restricted - The user is prevented from signing in - An administrator has manually selected 'restricted' status for this user
    • Deactivated - The user is no longer in use. Deactivated user accounts will not show up in the default list of users. Deactivated user accounts cannot sign in.
  7. Role - Filter users by role
    • Admin - The user can access the Control Panel and make administrative changes to the website and listing data
    • Seller - The user can create listings and issue invoices for sales
    • Buyer - The user can place bids and make purchases
  8. Export CSV - Generate a downloadable CSV (Comma Separated Values) file containing the user information displayed. See Also: Export CSV
  9. Reset Filters - Clear the current sort / search/ filter parameters

Create User - Creating a new user account. See Also: Create User