You are here: Administration Guide > Users > Management > Create User

Create User

This section allows the administrator to create a user without having to go through the registration form.

Note: all fields are required unless marked otherwise.

Create Login

Username - This must be at least 5 characters long.

Password - This must be 6 characters long and is case sensitive.

Confirm Password - This must match the password provided above.

Contact Information

Email - This should be the user's email address.

Confirm Email - This must match the email address provided above.

Additional Information

Custom user fields will appear here after the first and last name fields. These fields will be required as defined when the custom field was created.

First Name - This is the user's first name.

Last Name - This is the user's last name.

Address Information

Street Address - This will be the user's primary address.

Street Address 2 - (optional) Second line for address information.

Country or Territory - This is the country or territory of the user's address.

City - This is the city of the user's address.

State/Region - This will appear once a country is selected.

Zip/Postal - This is the user's zip code.

Newsletter - When checked, the user will be added to the list of users that have opted in to receive the newsletter.

Note: The appropriate way to send out a newsletter is to export the list of users from the main "User Management" page as a CSV file; sort the list with a table viewer like Excel and send out the newsletter using a third party app such as MailChimp.