You are here: Administration Guide > Billing and Fees > Fee Invoices (New)

Fee Invoices (New)

This section displays a list of accounts with unpaid site fees.

The list can be narrowed down by specifying the following:

From Date - (Optional) A date/time value which specifies the oldest record to include in the list.

To Date - (Optional) A date/time value which specifies the most recent record to include in the list.

Sort - (Optional) Select one of these options to change how the list is sorted. The following options are available:

  • ID - High to Low/ Low to High
  • Paid date - New to Old/ Old to New
  • Payer - A to Z/ Z to A
  • Total - High to Low/ Low to High

To edit an invoice - Click the link under the "Invoice ID" column in the desired row. For more information, see Site Fee Invoice.

Email Fees - Click this button to email an invoice to the user in that row.