You are here: Administration Guide > Listings > Bid Scenarios > Delete and Rollback Bids

Delete and Rollback Bids

This section describes scenarios where the delete and rollback functionality is used to address accidental bids on an auction listing.


Deleting a bid removes that specific bid and re-runs all of the other bids in sequence.

Rollback removes all bids past that point (date/time) and returns the listing bid price back to a previous bid.

Example: Bid Deletion - Auction with Proxy Bidding off

In this example, a bidder accidentally enters a bid with too many zeros.

  1. SusanSales creates a listing with a starting price of $10.00
  2. BidderBill starts the bidding at $15.00
  3. AuctionBob enters a bid for $20.00
  4. BidderBill enters a bid for $30.00
  5. AuctionBob enters a bid for $40.00
  6. BidderBill accidentally enters a bid for $5000.00

To remove the faulty bid, a site administrator can Audit the listing’s bid history and choose to delete that last bid. The system will remove all of the bids and then simulate the bidding actions according to the time they were entered, minus the faulty bid.




Example: Bid Rollback - Auction with Proxy Bidding on

In this example, an incorrect proxy bid is entered and other bidders continue bidding against it.

  1. Admin creates a listing with a starting bid of $50.00
  2. BidderBill starts the bidding at $60.00
  3. SusanSales enters her proxy bid for $120.00
  4. AuctionBob enters his proxy bid for $80.00
  5. BidderBill accidentally enters his proxy bid for $1000.00. Originally intending to only bid $100.00.
  6. BidderBill contacts support using the built in contact form about the mistake. Before a site administrator is available to delete the bid, more bids are placed.
  7. SusanSales enters a new proxy bid at $150.00
  8. AuctionBob enters a new proxy bid at $200.00
  9. SusanSales enters a new proxy bid at $300.00

To remove the faulty bid, a site administrator can Audit the listing’s bid history and choose to Rollback to any point in the auction. This will remove all of the bids, then the system will simulate the bidding actions according to the time they were entered, minus the selected bid and all bids that occurred after it was placed.

